Dr Lisa Mol is a geomorphologist, specialising in rock deterioration processes. The interdisciplinary nature of her work has taken her across the world, working in environments as diverse as the Arctic and the high veld of southern Africa. She leads the Heritage in the Cross-Fire project which is funded by the Leverhulme Trust, and other heritage-based projects such as the damage to the Glasgow School of Art. She is currently an Associate Editor of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (Springer) and a member of the Executive Committee and Trustee of the British Society for Geomorphology
Prof Tom Blenkinsop is based at the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences at Cardiff University. He is a structural geologist with strong interests in hydrothermal mineralization, and works across academia and industry.
Dr. Charlotte Brassey is a current BBSRC Future Leader Fellow at Manchester Metropolitan University. Her research is highly interdisciplinary, spanning taxonomic groups and geologic time periods, seeking to address questions of form and function using 3D imaging and computational simulation approaches. She has applied such methods to examine everything from mammalian anatomy to paleontology to ballistic damage of heritage stone and cultural resources.
Dr. Lucy Clarke is a Senior Lecturer in Physical Geographer at the University of Gloucestershire specializing in river processes, natural flood management and using image analysis and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to explore landscape change. She is involved in implementing and assessing ‘slow the flow’ schemes in Gloucestershire and surrounding counties. She also works with the British Antarctic Survey using historic aerial photographs and satellite imagery to look at glacier change on Antarctica.
Dr Emma Cunliffe is a member of the Cultural Property Protection and Peace team at Newcastle University, where she works for the Blue Shield. Their work focuses on the protection and destruction of cultural heritage during armed conflict, examining the reasons for damage, and developing proactive solutions to protect it, with particular focus on the role of the armed forces, and the place of national and international law. She specialises in satellite imagery analysis and geo-spatial data, in the Middle East and Syria in particular. She has worked on a number of large scale site recording and assessment projects using satellite imagery, and a consultant for UNOSAT-UNITAR. She is the Secretary for UK Blue Shield, and part of the Secretariat for Blue Shield International .
Dr Miguel Gomez-Heras is an Assistant Professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. His research is mainly focused on the material controls on rock weathering, both in natural environments and in the context of natural and stone-built heritage. He has a special interest on IR Thermography and other Non-Destructive Techniques for monitoring weathering.
Mr Owen Green is the Geological Facilities Manager in the Department of Earth Science at the University of Oxford, overseeing the rock preparation and light microscopy facilities. Research interests include sample preparation techniques and protocols, and specifically applications in micropalaeontology. Recent research interests include contextual studies on the world’s oldest (3.5 billion years old) putative fossils from Western Australia and, at the more recent end of the geological time scale, the last marine shallow carbonate platform foraminifera of the Tethyan Ocean recorded in rocks form the NW Himalayas as India crashed into Asia 50.5 million years ago.
Dr. Rachel King is a Lecturer in Cultural Heritage Studies at University College London. Her research expertise include the archaeology of the recent and contemporary past in southern Africa, particularly in marginal environments, and addressing the construction of epistemic categories such as disorder, outlaws, resistance, and heritage through innovative methodological and theoretical frameworks. Many of her courses and teaching activities incorporate the complex concepts of heritage interpretation and museum studies.
Oliver Campbell is an MGeol (International) graduate from the University of Leeds, now currently undertaking a PHD research project at Cardiff University. He has keen interests in both field based structural geology and microstructural deformation. His experience has seen him study at Australian National University, Canberra and intern for a junior gold exploration company in the Yukon, Canada.
Oscar Gilbert is a PhD researcher investigating the effects of arid environment weathering on heritage stone damaged during armed conflict. He holds undergraduate and master’s degrees in archaeology and forensic ballistics, an academic underpinning which has given him a keen interest in protecting the artefacts of our past from the problems of the present.
The Blue Shield is an international, voluntary organisation that was created in 1996 to try to protect cultural heritage during conflict. Today its remit has expanded to include the protection of cultural heritage during and after natural disasters. Blue Shield is the only organisation created and mandated under international law to preserve cultural heritage in such a context.

Victoria and Albert Museum - Culture in Crisis
The V&A is an international organisation with collections from around the globe. We are committed to protecting the world's cultural heritage and supporting communities that suffer cultural loss, whether through conflict, criminal acts or natural disaster. Our Culture in Crisis programme brings together those with a shared interest in protecting cultural heritage, providing a forum for sharing information, inspiring and supporting action and raising public awareness.
Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales is Wales's most popular and globally recognised cultural institution, at the heart of the Welsh nation. Over the past century we have supported millions of people in their exploration of the past, present and possible futures, and have collected, safeguarded and shared their collections and memories with the nation. Read about our work with Dr Christian Baars on the 'Heritage in Turbulent Times' blog or download the information leaflet.
An AHRC-funded project combining aesthetics, value theory and the ethics of war.
The issues raised by cultural property protection (hereafter, CPP) are a huge challenge to just war theory in both its traditional and revisionist forms.The project sheds light on the following key questions. (1) Under what circumstances may belligerents intentionally or foreseeably damage sites of cultural property in war?
(2) ​How should the protection of cultural property be weighed against other priorities in conflict zones? (3) How should relevant authorities regard and treat damaged sites of cultural property in the aftermath of war?​